
Posted on 6:59 PM by jr cline | 0 comments

The other day I posed this question on Facebook:  "Is creating a new life worth releasing the story of my old life?"
The comments that got me thinking. Here is what they said.  The names have been changed to numbers.

1: You must be going through some serious soul searching and I would say remember and let go, then just let the new happen. Mostly have fun.
2: You're the one who taught me that.
3: Just enjoy and whatever happens does. Your 'old life' is part of who you are... you just have to 'release' the bad feelings about it.
2: Yeah. I'm a part of your "old life" and I'm not going anywhere

That thinking business isn't always a good thing.

The question has many meanings, but for me it addresses the change in income, lifestyle, and living conditions I'm embarking upon.  Devesting myself of most my possession (many with memories attached) selling this house, moving into a motorhome, and retireing from teaching is scary sometimes.  It doesn't help that I am doing it alone for the most part.  From when I was married I remember adventures be easier to embark upon with a co-conspirator.
I know all the right thoughts for doing this.  I teach them and believe them.  Stepping forward believing the ground is there is the right thought.  Fear of the unknown creeps in now and again. 
Of course, there are people who are part of my 'old life' who will still be in my 'new life'.  They are people I know love me and people I know I can depend on.  That of course is 'right' thinking in this case. 
Making these kinds of changes doesn't happen easily. They don't happen without feelings and they definitely don't happen without a lot of thought and planning. 
I guess I just have a lot to think about and a lot to feel as the beginning of this adventure draws near.
I can't blame anyone but myself. After all, this is MY evil plan.  muhahahaha


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