Thanking yourself

Posted on 5:35 AM by jr cline | 0 comments

Tiny Buddha posted a list of thank yous to themselves.  I liked that and decided to give it a try.
Here is my list of “Thank yous” to me:
Thank you for not mentally beating yourself up as much
Thank you for growing a little every day
Thank you for loving and accepting yourself 
Thank you for trying new things every chance you got
Thank you for not letting your mind take you down the dark, narrow, lonely paths
Thank you for staying present as much as you could
Thank you for being you

What would you like to thank yourself for?

Live until I die

Posted on 7:55 AM by jr cline | 0 comments

I wish I could get my doctor to understand this.



Posted on 6:21 AM by jr cline | 0 comments

Xxlovelylollipop posted three songs that are part of her life's soundtrack.
Here is my attempt.

My father was a Baptist minister and I was raised in a conservative Christian home.  I went to college and studied religion and philosophy and then on to Golden Gate Seminary for a master's degree in theology.

I was a Jesus freak in those days and slowly migrated over to being of a Zen Jesus freak.  I've never gotten over being a hippie and think of myself as a misplaced merry prankster. 


Then my daughter was born and providing a stable home seemed like a good plan (I lived in a bus when she was born).  I settled down and got a regular job.  Seven years later my son was born.  Being a good parent (to me that means good friend) became the most important thing in my life.
My children have moved away and once again I'm reinventing myself  I'm not sure what soundtrack for this will be like.  It is still a work in progress.