One day,

Posted on 10:16 AM by jr cline | 0 comments

a Brahmin, a person of high rank and authority, came to see the Buddha. This Brahmin had a foul temper and quarreled frequently with everyone. He would even get mad if someone else was wronged and that person didn’t get angry in response.
So, when he heard that the Buddha never got angry, he decided to test him.
The Brahmin went to the Buddha and showered him with insults.
The Buddha listened patiently and quietly.
When the Brahmin finally stopped, and was waiting for the Buddha’s reaction, the Buddha calmly asked him, “Do you have any family or friends?”
“Of course,” answered the Brahmin. “Why?”
“Do you take gifts to them when you visit?”
“Of course I do!” the Brahmin snarled.
“What if they didn’t want to accept one of your gifts?” the Buddha asked. “What would you do with it?”
“I’d take it home and enjoy it with my family,” the Brahmin said.
“Well, then,” said the Buddha, “Friend, you brought me a gift of your angry insults. I don’t wish to accept it. I give it back to you. Take it home to enjoy with your family.”

My 10 essentials

Posted on 7:45 PM by jr cline | 2 comments

I was reading mnmlist: 10 essentials and thought I'd give it a try.  I'm not a minimalist by a long shot though.

1. A camera:  You rarely see me without at least one camera on my person or very, very near by.

2. Clothing: In the warm months I wear shorts (I prefer cargo the pockets) and Hawaiian shirts or T shirts.  Cooler weather brings out the jeans and sweat shirts. 

3. For food, I prefer vegetarian dishes, but I do eat meat. 

4. Drinks...Diet sodas, beer, coffee, and water.

5. How do I entertain myself?
  • Taking, editing, and posting photos. 
  • Reading books and blogs
  • Intelligent conversations
  • Playing with Jesse
  • Playing with my birds
  • Travel
6. The internet has become an important artistic outlet and work tool in my life.
7. I still have to work a regular job.
8. My children mean the world to me.
9. Humor is a balm for my spirit.
10. I find great comfort believing in God and the magic that surrounds us.

Well, that is it for my list.

What are the essentials in your life?  If you need some more ideas, click over to mnmlist: 10 essentials and read that list.

Have a wonderful weekend!

I'm just tired of it

Posted on 5:10 AM by jr cline | 2 comments

 What happened to critical thinking?    

I'm so tired of people overreacting based on lack of knowledge, limited facts, faulty observations, inflammatory rhetoric, sound bites, out right lies, things taken out of context, gossip, talk show radio, preconceived notions, and whatever other reasons they do it!

Here is an example from
For pete's sake, get over it.   Her top goes all the way to her neck.

It is wearisome listening to such foolishness day in and day out.
Reminds me of a quote I read on another blog a few weeks ago.
"I'd rather have a mind open by wonder than one closed by belief." ~ Gerry Spence

The Universe said

Posted on 4:32 PM by jr cline | 0 comments

If suddenly and without warning, you had absolutely nothing to worry about, do you know what the world would begin to look like?
Un-huh, exactly the same as it does right now.
Alright, if suddenly you had absolutely nothing to be afraid of, do you know what you'd begin to look like right now?

Yeah, cool as ever.
OK, OK. If suddenly you had absolutely no expectations to live up to and no one to disappoint, do you know how free you'd suddenly be?

Yeah, same, same.

Get it? The only thing that would really change is your thoughts. And you don't need circumstances or other people to help you with that, do you?

I say it's time to blow the lid off this popsicle stand ~ Notes from the Universe

I have a friend who used to say 'perception is everything'.

What do you think, is the cup half full or half empty?

My horoscope

Posted on 5:55 AM by jr cline | 0 comments

You have great insight into matters of personal freedom. You come up with brilliant ways to express, or act out things. New methods of lovemaking, raising kids and caring for animals are yours. You are outspoken, impressive and regal. You may enjoy a trip to the country this afternoon, perhaps a fruit or vegetable stand, perhaps a garage sale. You relax with children, sports, acting, singing and such this day. This evening you may enjoy your eccentric or unconventional friends--groups with some kind of humanitarian flavor will appeal. This could mean you and your friends have some involvement with a child care group, such as a religious group or work with an orphanage. You and your friends will work to make a difference. (

Dragon people are the most eccentric in the Chinese Zodiac. Soaring high into the serene heavens, they can be stubborn, passionate, excitable, honest, and brave, wear purple and walk barefoot in public fountains. They listen to their own drummer, thank you very much, while the rest of the world stands in amazement. People always admire their individuality and feisty personality. Dragons are capable of doing great work for mankind and they inspire trust in almost everyone. The Dragon symbolizes life and growth and is said to bring the five blessings: harmony, virtue, riches, fulfillment and longevity.
Chicken Soup and Bamboo Shoots are among keys to even greater good health! (
After one last day of teasing you with lingering glances that last just a tad too long to be socially acceptable, as of late this evening, a certain person will finally be ready to say what's on their mind. If you're unattached and interested, stare back. In fact, stare back for even longer than they do. Think of it as a contest. Resolve to win, and see how long you can make it last. Got eye drops, though? (
The Tiger does not take a back seat to the Dragon when it comes to being outrageous. It could be a spectacular year for this high flying duo. On the other hand Metal is unlucky for the Dragon and, therefore, you. There are thus likely to be a few times you will crash and burn. The key is not to get too caught up in the moment. Be thoughtful and avoid unnecessary risk. You can't beat the Tiger this year, but joining forces will pay off. If you can bring yourself to exhibit a little self control, the year 2010 could be a most rewarding one indeed. Regardless of the outcomes, you will no doubt have a most exciting time. So enjoy yourself and move out smartly during the nine favorable months, and tread lightly in the other three. (
Affection blooms in close relationships as you tune into the thoughts, feelings, needs, and desires of those around you. Communication should be clear, open, and honest without being brutal. Social events should prove especially enjoyable today, Virgo, as you're likely to attract interesting people with intriguing and useful information. Reading could also prove beneficial now. Enjoy your day.(

Decisions. Decisions. 

100 things

Posted on 9:30 AM by jr cline | 0 comments

100 things I'm grateful for
1. Starr
2. James
3. Christy
4. Jeremy
5. Jesse
6. Belle
7. Tom
8. Jodi
9. Cassidy
10. Cari
11. Christin
12. Paula
13. Bruce
14. Einstein
15. Bilbo
16. Scrappy
17. Pretty good health
18. A good job
19. A jeep
20. A red truck
21. A green truck
22. A place to live
23. Christmas lights all year long
24. Living in the US
25. DSLRs
26. Xanga friends
27. A stable food supply
28. Electricity
29. Clean running water
30. Inside bathrooms and toilet paper
31. A septic system
32. A home (not to be confused with number 22)
33. Skilled crafts men and women
34. Riding lawn mowers
35. Law and order
36. A sense of safety and security
37. That the end is in sight
38. Oriental rugs
39. Warm weather
40. Nature in all its wonder
41. The vast diversity of humanity
42. So much to see and do
43. Fishing
44. Quiet mornings on the front porch with a cup of coffee
45. Intelligent conversation
46. A joke and a smile
47. Diet Dr. Pepper
48. Vodka
49. A warm dark girl (i.e. St. Pauli Girl Dark)
50. The internet
51. Grape stomping at Morgan Creek Winery
52. Naan bread and hummus
53. Cooking outside on a grill
54. Central heat and air
55. Wood stoves
56. A cozy fireplace
57. Music in all its forms except opera (I never could quite get the hang of opera)
58. Art
59. Science Fiction
60. NASA
61. Downsizing
62. Fairs and festivals
63. We haven't destroyed the world (yet)
64. Facebook friends
65. Photographer friends all across the country and world
66. Change (might as well be grateful, it is going to happen anyway)
67. Alan Watts
68. 1040 weeks (fingers crossed)
69. Challenges like this that stir my creative thinking
70. Cell phones
71. Washers and dryers
72. Dish washing machines (my second favorite appliance)
73. Refrigerators (my favorite appliance)
74. Watching a small child discovering everything
75. Naivety
76. A penny laying in a parking lot
77. I'm not married or in a relationship
78. The ability to do as I pl;ease and the courage (stupidity?) to do it
79. A lack of concern about what other people think of me.  That is a gift I have had most my life that    provides an amazing sense of freedom.
80. Freedom to practice the religious beliefs of my choice
81. Sight
82. Hearing
83. Unconditional love
84. The feeling of the sun on my face
85. Computers - a technology has provided many things in my life
86. Pound cake - my favorite comfort food
87. Web cams and camcorders- too much fun
88. I see the glass as half full
89. Sun rooms
90. Faith and trust
91. Open eyes, open ears, an open mind, and an open heart
92. Here and now - the only place and time I have ever been
93. Access to medical care
94. Zoos
95. Public gardens
96. The national and state park systems
97. Fireworks
98. The students in my classes
99. Atheists (every yin requires a yang) 
100. That I was to think of 100 things to be grateful for (didn't seem like it would be difficult when I started this list)

The Universe said

Posted on 4:45 AM by jr cline | 0 comments

If suddenly and without warning, you had absolutely nothing to worry about, do you know what the world would begin to look like?

Un-huh, exactly the same as it does right now.

Alright, if suddenly you had absolutely nothing to be afraid of, do you know what you'd begin to look like right now?

Yeah, cool as ever.

OK, OK. If suddenly you had absolutely no expectations to live up to and no one to disappoint, do you know how free you'd suddenly be?

Yeah, same, same.

Get it? The only thing that would really change is your thoughts. And you don't need circumstances or other people to help you with that, do you?

I say it's time to blow the lid off this popsicle stand