What bothers me the most?

Posted on 7:46 PM by jr cline | 0 comments

The second question in 10 Things You Should Know About Yourself (aka: “So Long, And Thanks For All The Fish!”).

What bothers me the most (about myself, others, or the world)?
There are so many ideas that passed through my mind today:
the messages of fear being spewed out by the media each day
natural disasters
man’s inhumanity to man
and a world of others 

But  what bothers me the most about myself, others, and the world is the way we treat each other.
The mindset of winner and loser. 
The attitude of get more for myself. 
The judgmental  attitude.
Frame it in any way you like.

I don’t think we were meant to live like this.  
I think we are meant to love and care for each other.  

Like a simple Zen master said, ‘all that is necessary is that you love completely’. 

So, what bothers you the most (about yourself, others, or the world)?


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