10 of 10

Posted on 6:31 PM by jr cline | 0 comments

from  10 Things You Should Know About Yourself (aka: “So Long, And Thanks For All The Fish!”) series.
At long last, I’ve arrived at the final question in this series.
Am I making progress towards a goal of my choosing?

I’ve had lots of goals in my life.  I’ve achieved some and failed miserably in my efforts to achieve others. 

Funny how achieving a goal didn’t always provide the fulfillment I thought it would.  Some goals, once achieved, escaped and could have been put on a ‘goal list’ to be achieved again.

I don't have a lot of current goals in my life.  Mostly I take each moment and day as it comes along. 

Currently, my only future goal is to become a full time RVer.  It takes time to achieve a goal this involved, but the pieces are slowly falling into place for it to happen. 

In light of that, I guess I could say that I am making progress towards the multifaceted goal of my choosing.

Are you making progress towards the goal of your choosing?

All the photographs were taken at the Georgia Renaissance Festival in Fairburn, GA.

Copyright 2010 jr cline photography


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