30 day challenge, day 3

Posted on 6:39 PM by jr cline | 0 comments

Day 3 - a picture of the cast from your favorite show.

This picture is wallpaper from the fanpop website.

I've watched Dr Who off and on for over 20 years and almost always love the show.  The cast doesn't stay the same but the 'look and feel' of the show almost always does.
Happy Halloween!

needs dog pictures

Posted on 5:00 PM by jr cline | 0 comments

Title: I've been reading a book

Don't be so surprised. hahahaha

Dogs don't lie, and why should I?
Strangers come, they growl and bark.
They know their loved ones in the dark.
Now let me, by night or day,
Be just as full of truth ad they.
~ Garrison Keillor

30 day challenge, day 1

Posted on 5:29 PM by jr cline | 0 comments

Day 1 - a recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself

1.  I’ve been divorced for many years
2. I have two grown children
3. I’m a Baptist minister
4. I have two pet parrots: Einstein and Bilbo
5. I teach computer science at a local community college
6. My true love is photography
7. I live communally with a young couple and their one year old son
8. I have a house for sale....only $105,000 in a nice neighborhood
9. I like all types of music except opera.   I never did get the hang of that.
10. When asked about my religious preference, I say I’m Zen Baptist
11. I’m really excited about becoming a full time RV’er
12. I am simplifying my life as much as possible
13. I think we should all love and be kind to each other
14. I think it is fun being crazy
15. My motto is, “Open eyes, open ears, open mind, open heart"

Another survey

Posted on 7:54 PM by jr cline | 0 comments


Another survey from jr cline on Vimeo.

It took me several tries to do this because the inherent dichotomy of language makes things so difficult to talk about sometimes.  I'm not happy with the wording, but I couldn't figure out any thing different.
Well maybe I could just quote Jack Kerouac:
"Little Paul is a visionary flower in the air
The hand of man is a visionary flower in the air
Allen and Neal are visionary flowers in the air
The tobacco weed is a visionary flower in the air
Bob's doghouse is a visionary flower in the air
My phlebitisis a visionary flower in the air
I am a visionary flower in the air
All things are visionary flowers in the air
Buddha is a visionary flower in the air
Death is a visionary flower in the air
Eternity is a visionary flower in the air
Conception is a visionary flower in the air
The Visionary Flower is the Mind"

or maybe this will suffice,

"I’m not as big a fool as I used to be, I’m a smaller fool".
Have as much fun as possible. 


Posted on 7:21 AM by jr cline | 0 comments

If I live twenty more years, that is 1040 weeks.
Of those, I'll spend approximately

 346 weeks sleeping
   37 weeks at work
   43 weeks eating
   43 weeks on household activities
Which leaves me with 571 weeks.

At my age, I think twelve years is a more realistic time frame.  If that is the case, there are 641 weeks to work with.
Out of those 641 weeks, I'll spend approximately

 37 weeks at work
 26 weeks eating
 26 weeks attending to household activities
207 weeks sleeping

That leaves 345 weeks.

In my one precious life, what am I going to do with the 345 weeks?  How do I want to spend that time?
Over the next few weeks, I intend to explore these questions and hopefully come up with some answers for myself. 
btw-I got the time estimates partially from Charts from the American Time Use Survey.

Common mistakes I make

Posted on 4:31 AM by jr cline | 0 comments


Reacting out of habit and/or based on preconceived ideas

Thoughtlessly living the same life in the same way each day

Listening to negative self speak & self limiting thoughts

Putting obstacles in my own way

Living in my thoughts

Thinking the thinker is who I am

Forgetting to be grateful

Putting the needs of others before my own needs


Forgetting to be mindful

...we have to forget things like "I should be mindful of this or that". If you are mindful, you are already creating a separation ("I - am - mindful - of - ...."). Don't be mindful, please! When you walk, just walk. Let the walk walk. Let the talk talk (Dogen Zenji says: "When we open our mouths, it is filled with Dharma"). Let the eating eat, the sitting sit, the work work. Let sleep sleep.  ~Muho Noelke


He puts it simply

Posted on 6:52 AM by jr cline | 0 comments


John Sherman: Look at yourself


I support free speech

Posted on 7:56 PM by jr cline | 0 comments

but I don’t always agree with how it is used.

Today a ‘morality survey’ came in the mail.
There is nothing wrong with a good survey, but one with questions like this is designed to be inflammatory.

“1. Should homosexuals receive special job rights and force businesses, schools, churches, and even daycares to hire and advance homosexuals or face prosecution and multimillon-dollar lawsuits?

2. Do you support the use of hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars to fund homosexual ‘art’, so called AIDS-awareness programs and homosexual  research grants that are frequently funneled to political advocacy?

3. Should homosexuality be promoted in schools as a healthy lifestyle choice, while information about the life threatening consequences are ignored?

4.  Do you support same-sex ‘marriage’ for homosexuals or ‘marriage like’ rights, like homosexuals being able to adopt children and raise them in their ‘lifestyle’?”

The questions are inflammatory enough without any comments, but there is a long letter that fans the flames.

For example:

“Passage of the Homosexual Agenda will ignite a fire storm that will rip through families, communities, and businesses.”

“Radical  homosexuals will terrorize day care centers, hospitals, churches, and private schools.”

“You’ll see men hand-in-hand skipping down to adoption centers to ‘pick out’ a little boy for themselves.”

It goes on and on.  Of course, it all leads up to send in your donation of $25, $50, $75, $100, or $500 to help this group defeat the Gay Bill of Special Rights.

hmmm...sounds suspiciously like a way to get money to me.

I have little respect for organizations that prey on people’s fears, insecurities, prejudices, or religious beliefs just to raise money! 

Cigarette eggs?

Posted on 7:02 PM by jr cline | 0 comments


Inquiring minds want to know.