I support free speech

Posted on 7:56 PM by jr cline | 0 comments

but I don’t always agree with how it is used.

Today a ‘morality survey’ came in the mail.
There is nothing wrong with a good survey, but one with questions like this is designed to be inflammatory.

“1. Should homosexuals receive special job rights and force businesses, schools, churches, and even daycares to hire and advance homosexuals or face prosecution and multimillon-dollar lawsuits?

2. Do you support the use of hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars to fund homosexual ‘art’, so called AIDS-awareness programs and homosexual  research grants that are frequently funneled to political advocacy?

3. Should homosexuality be promoted in schools as a healthy lifestyle choice, while information about the life threatening consequences are ignored?

4.  Do you support same-sex ‘marriage’ for homosexuals or ‘marriage like’ rights, like homosexuals being able to adopt children and raise them in their ‘lifestyle’?”

The questions are inflammatory enough without any comments, but there is a long letter that fans the flames.

For example:

“Passage of the Homosexual Agenda will ignite a fire storm that will rip through families, communities, and businesses.”

“Radical  homosexuals will terrorize day care centers, hospitals, churches, and private schools.”

“You’ll see men hand-in-hand skipping down to adoption centers to ‘pick out’ a little boy for themselves.”

It goes on and on.  Of course, it all leads up to send in your donation of $25, $50, $75, $100, or $500 to help this group defeat the Gay Bill of Special Rights.

hmmm...sounds suspiciously like a way to get money to me.

I have little respect for organizations that prey on people’s fears, insecurities, prejudices, or religious beliefs just to raise money! 


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