16 Random Facts Part 1

Posted on 1:27 PM by jr cline | 0 comments

I've done things like this so many times it is difficult to come up with ones that you haven't read before.
I got this idea from Adamswomanback when she posted her list. You should stop by and read her's too.
Here is my list.

  1. There is a voodoo doll and a chicken's foot laying on the table about three feet from where I'm typing this.
  2. Along with the voodoo doll there is a small Buddha, some crystals, and a gnome.
  3. I can't leave out the crucifix and small picture of Jesus.
  4. Crazy thing happened yesterday.  I returned an old broken TV to Best Buy.  It had an extended warranty.  I got a mo' better TV and an $832 store credit.  Sometimes God/the universe/whatever suits your beliefs gives out presents.  It was one of those days.  Thanks so much!!!  
  5. With the credit I picked up a couple of items I wanted to have for RV living: an iPad mini for reading books, email, and social networking

    and the black GoPro Hero 3 for action videos.

    They advertise it as the world's most versatile camera.  We'll see. 
  6. In my last blog I mentioned attending my final graduation as a professor.  

    With mixed emotions I marched into the graduation exercise.  When all was said and the students had paraded across the stage to receive their degrees, we marched out.   I passed my regalia on to a new instructor so she wouldn't have to continue to rent an outfit each year.  I left work for the day.  I didn't think about it much after that until Zeal4living asked how I felt about it.  His question caused a stream of thoughts.  At some point along that stream it came to me that giving away my regalia was subconsciously a symbolic act which represented the 'letting go' of this role I've played for 30 years.   It was an act of release.  I let go of 'professorness'.  As a result, I feel a renewed freedom and excitement about the new adventures that lie ahead.
  7. I've started a new project:  A second of video a day for 365 days.  Now this second needs to represent my day.  It could be the most important event of the day, a routine thing from my life, the most exciting event, fun event, distressing event, just something beautiful, or...you get the idea.  I hope I don't miss a day.  I might though.  I'm using the Super 8 app on my iPhone to record the short videos.  I'm using Windows Live Movie Maker for the editing.
    Not that I will win an Oscar or even want to win one:  $1.99 iPhone app helps filmmaker win Oscar.
I'm going to break this up into two blogs.  This is getting way too long. Maybe I won't be so talkative in part two. 

See what else I’m doing.
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