I'm just tired of it

Posted on 5:10 AM by jr cline | 2 comments

 What happened to critical thinking?    

I'm so tired of people overreacting based on lack of knowledge, limited facts, faulty observations, inflammatory rhetoric, sound bites, out right lies, things taken out of context, gossip, talk show radio, preconceived notions, and whatever other reasons they do it!

Here is an example from lovelyish.com.
For pete's sake, get over it.   Her top goes all the way to her neck.

It is wearisome listening to such foolishness day in and day out.
Reminds me of a quote I read on another blog a few weeks ago.
"I'd rather have a mind open by wonder than one closed by belief." ~ Gerry Spence


Christy said...

I have to agree that this is inappropriate for SESAME STREET, of all shows. As a parent, I would not want my son OR daughter to see this, and the issue for me is not how short the dress is but how low cut the dress is. It barely covers her boobs, shows cleavage, etc. This kind of imagery is what is wrong with young girls and their self-esteem and/or their desire to wear such revealing clothing at such a young age. It's another example of the media sending a message that is inappropriate - you see it all the time on "regular" TV, commercials, shows, movies, etc., but for it to be on SESAME STREET, which is specifically focused on children between the ages of 2-3 through as old as 10 (maybe even older kids still like the show), is appalling to me just in the sense of the message it is sending to these children (boys and girls) about image. I would not want my son, from baby throughout the years preceding puberty (after that he's going to search it out anyway! LOL) to see this. Of course, a young boy wouldn't automatically have sexual connotations in his mind from seeing this, but it could, to some extent, prime a young boy's mind in that way. We all know that children tend to learn more from what they see and what their parents deem as acceptable and how their parents act, dress, and teach them. What are we teaching our children, ESPECIALLY our little girls, about self-esteem, self-respect, and modesty when we are OK with Katy Perry wearing something like this on Sesame Street? I think it is an issue, and it's not just because of this apparent issue people have with Sesame Street, it's everywhere.

My concern is the general consensus of the media and what they portray for young children, and I have to say that I think this IS a little low for Sesame Street - a show directed specifically and targeted specifically for small children. What they see in the world shapes their ideas strongly, and sending a message that it's OK to dance around with Elmo wearing something that barely covers your boobs and shows the world your cleavage and is obviously sexy is not something that should be ingrained in a small child's mind - even if they do not yet correlate the terms sex, sexy, cleavage, or boobs with being modest at the age they are when they see this. Again, it is priming.

From a psychological standpoint, girls growing up seeing this kind of image of women throughout their lives is the reason that so many young girls, teenagers, and young women have such a hard time with accepting themselves when they don't look like Katy Perry does in this video or are not allowed to dress like this when they are older (by their parents). "But Katy Perry wore this on Sesame Street? Why can't I wear it to school?" "Well, honey, that's Katy Perry's problem, and because I said no." Yeah - that is fair and goes over well. I think it's sad that Sesame Street an example of this.

Christy said...

*is an example of this. They put this on YT and after the feedback it never aired on the actual show, by the way... Thank goodness for the little girls in the world... Heh!

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